Time In Argentina
Exact time now time zone time difference sunrise sunset time and key facts for argentina.
Time in argentina. It is the current local time right now in buenos aires córdoba rosario mendoza san miguel de tucumán and in all argentina s cities. Argentina time art 0300 utc utc gmt is 01 03 on saturday october 10 2020. 03 or utc 03 00 all argentina s territory belongs to the same time zone. Get buenos aires s weather and area codes time zone and dst.
The time now is a reliable tool when traveling calling or researching. When the time was 03 00am on wednesday september 30 in argentina it was 02 00am in new york. Press any time in the table below to open and share the event time page. However it actually uses the utc 03 00 time zone.
Argentina time zone and map with current time in the largest cities. This can be unsettling to visitors from north america and non latin parts of europe where punctuality is highly valued. Argentina is 1 hour ahead of new york. Current local time and geoinfo in argentina.
Argentina determines whether to observe daylight saving time on a year by year basis and individual provinces may opt out of the federal decision. The time now provides accurate us network of cesium clocks synchronized time and accurate time services in argentina. At present argentina does not observe daylight saving time. You should expect that your argentine contacts will be at least 10 to 15 minutes late for any appointment.
Punctuality and perception of time in argentina argentinians generally take a relaxed attitude towards time. Exact time and daylight saving time in argentina in 2020 current time in ar 1 13 10 am monday 12 october 2020 03 am pm 24 hours. Tardiness of 30 to 45 minutes is not unusual.